
Showing posts from 2015

Setting up a global .gitignore on a Mac

I work with multiple OSes, programming languages and frameworks so here is a tip on keeping your git repos clean. I create a global .gitignore file to exclude platform related files (OS and IDE) and then when I create a new project I create a project specific .gitignore for the project related files which is specific to the languages and frameworks I am using in the project. Creating a global gitignore on a Mac You may name the file and place it where you want. I typically just name it .gitignore and store at '~/.gitignore'. Set it by running the following in a terminal: git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore' Example global gitignore Here is my global which I place at '~/.gitignore' Project specific gitignore GitHub have created a repo as a guide for what to include in your .gitignore for specific languages and frameworks: .

Building my Windows 10 developer VM using Boxstarter

Windows 10 is here so it was time to rebuild my developer VM based on the new OS. Using the Boxstarter WebLauncher I had it up and running in no time at all. Here is my installation script .